Richard turns his back on a life of drugs
The third episode of Run see’s Lennie James playing an ex heroin addict, Richard, who is trying to keep clean and turn his life around. Lennie James has appeared in so many dramas, including, Jericho, Fallout, Lie to me, The Walking Dead and Line of Duty, so this is just like home to him.
The episode opens with Richard leaving the police station and trying to make contact with his daughter, who is ready to leave London with her mother to make a new life. As he heads back to his shelter, the owner and co-worker of the hostel tells him that he must be evicted because he was arrested and put on a caution. As he leaves and continues to walk around London, he comes across a car that belongs to a woman, who will appear in the fourth and last episode of this series. He turns it into his home and begins to find a way of proving to his daughter and ex-wife that he is a changed man and is off the heroin for good. He then goes and sees his ex-wife but she tells him to stay away from their daughter.
The following day he goes to see his mother who he asks to aid him in contacting his daughter. But knowing that he has been using heroin and not trusting him, she refuses to help and gives him money thinking that he still has a place when he doesn’t. During the episode he meets up with some of his old drug friends and soon realises that he needs to stay away to help himself, so he keeps his distance and tries to put his life back on track for himself and his daughter. He tries his best by finding money by nicking things and selling it for scrap. Towards the end he finally tracks his daughter down but she doesn’t answer the door. She tells him that she’ll think about it and he ends up posting some of the money he made from the scrap through the door and walks away.
Yet again, this episode was truly brilliant! Focusing on one person who’s battling to overcome his addiction and proving to his love ones that he can do it, shows that it isn’t easy. Lennie James is a superb actor and they have surely chosen the right man for the right part! What I liked about this episode was that it showed exactly everything that could happen to someone who is battling with this addiction.
Brilliant casting, brilliant writing and a brilliant storyline!