2 2 mins 13 yrs

Showtime’s Dexter has been renewed for another two series. Currently on its sixth series, it  focuses Dexter Morgan played by Michael C Hall, a blood splatter analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department, who is also secretly a serial killer of criminals.

Showtime president David Nevins said: “Dexter‘s enormous success is a real tribute to the great achievements of its cast, producers, and the powerhouse performance of Michael C Hall.

“The series is bigger than it’s ever been in its sixth season, both in terms of audience and its impact on the cultural landscape.

“Together with Michael, the creative team on the show has a very clear sense of where they intend to take the show over the next two seasons and, as a huge fan, I’m excited to watch the story of Dexter Morgan play out.”

With production for series seven due to start in 2012, lead Michael C Hall said:  “On behalf of the entire Dexter family, we relish the invitation to delve ever deeper into Dexter’s world.”

Executive producer Scott Buck when talking earlier in the year about the end of the series, said: “To be perfectly honest, it hasn’t come up yet for discussion,” adding: “I mean, we’re all confident that it will come up. But we’re not working toward the end just yet.”

He went on to say: “How you’ll wrap is the kind of thing you want to know at least a season in advance, and we haven’t discussed it yet at all, so that should tell you something. Everyone will want to check in and they’ll all do it with a slightly different idea of what should be done. And we’ll definitely hear everyone’s thoughts.”

2 thoughts on “Dexter Renewed For Two More Seasons.

  1. So he did get his $24 millions after all, eh? Well my husband will be happy for 2 more seasons but I’m afraid it will go down in ratings unless they make up smth spectecular for next seasons… I’ve seen s6 so far & feel its not as exciting as first 3-4 seasons…

    1. I assume he did, as he didn’t seem to keen to sign without a pay rise. I know there’s supposed to be a twist at the end of S6 maybe that will liven it up.

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