1 5 mins 10 yrs

“I laughed so hard I had to leave the room during the read through”


A year ago, I interviewed rising star Jassa Ahluwalia for his role in BBC One drama’s Ripper Street and The Whale, a year on and Jassa can be seen reprising his role as Rocky in the third series of on BBC Three comedy Some Girls – and treading the boards in Philip Ridley’s Piranha Heights, which has been receiving high praise from the likes of Time Out, The Stage and The Arts Desk.

I caught up with Jassa amidst his busy schedule to talk about the future for him and his character Rocky… and his favourite Christmas movie?

Could you set the scene and tell us where you are and what you’re up to at the moment?

I’m currently sat backstage at The Old Red Lion Theatre waiting to go on! I’m playing Garth in Philip Ridley’s Piranha Heights. It’s a very dark and potent play about how we struggle to make sense of the world and the torment it throws at us. It’s been incredibly well received. I’m very proud to be a part of it. We have a strictly limited run until Dec 6th. Come check it out!


Some Girls is back. What can we expect from the rest of Series 3?

You can expect lots more of what you love about the show but Bernadette continues to pioneer with her writing. There are plenty of moments this series that caught me totally off guard. Saz’s tampon orgasm discovery last week… I laughed so hard I had to leave the room during the read through. But the drama has matured as well. Rocky and Viva’s arguments matter more than ever. The stakes are higher, for everyone.

Rocky made some life-changing decisions in the first episode. How does that affect him and the dynamic of the group?

Not much seems to bother Rocky. He’s lacking in many areas but I think he’s always been a bit ahead of the game when it comes to real world life. He takes life seriously but in a different way to Viva. And I think that’s what has the biggest effect on the group dynamic. They’re all starting to figure out what they want and where they’re going. And they’re not all necessarily on the same page.

What do you like and dislike about your character?

I love his caring nature. Everything Rocky does is heartfelt, even if it involves the Lion King soundtrack, a tray of donuts and a popped balloon. I think that’s a huge part of the reason the fans have grown to love him so much. He might not have ever passed an exam but he huge capacity for love. Dislikes…his lack of chest hair. The annual wax is torture!

What projects have you got coming up?

I recently finished shooting an awesome zombie action adventure movie in Mallorca! Think Jurassic Park…with zombies. Due to come out sometime next year. I’ve got several exciting things being discussed for 2015 but it’s all very early days. For now my focus is on Piranha Heights. It’s been a life changing experience and I’m sure there’s still much to learn.

With Christmas on the way, what’s your ultimate Christmas TV or movie you have to watch?

The Muppet Christmas Carol. Every year. Without fail. One of the greatest movie’s ever made.

Some Girls series 3 continues on BBC Three on Monday’s at 10pm.

Jassa can be seen in Piranha Heights at The Old Red Lion Theatre until December 6th. Tickets available on the website 

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