0 2 mins 11 yrs

A wedding and a baby bring strong emotions… not all of them happy!


© BBC/Anthony and Cleopatra Series/Ben Blackall

Last Tango In Halifax episode 2 airs on Tuesday, 26 November at 9pm on BBC One.

Click for info and pictures

Check out the teasers below:

“Hobbies include: farting about and doing bugger all.”

“Yeah, and you’re a dirty-minded old cow!”

“Raff put his girlfriend in the pudding club.”

“It were memorable.”

“I am firmly of the opinion that I’m not really here.”

“Not unless you’re Captain Spock and you can disappear up your own backside in a cloud of glitter with a cheesy sound effect and land on another planet two seconds later.”

“I don’t want you getting sperm from just anywhere…”

“She’s been at the Entonox.”

“Somebody else will be doing all the hard work, she’ll just be standing near the door making droll comments.”

“You think you can just buy me?”

“You just fiddle faddle around near the boundaries a bit don’t you?”

“Would you like a mint imperial?”