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 Executive Producer, Ridley Scott – World Without End Q&A


Tell us a little bit about what draws you to Ken Follett’s novels?

They are, in the best possible sense of the word, so dense in terms of their evolution, not just in the overall scheme of things but each of his characters are so well worked into his own universe. I think they are marvelous searchers into human nature and human behavior. Of course his fascination with the Medieval, or Dark Ages, I share with him. So for me he’s a perfect creator of this kind of film.

To what extent were you involved in casting?

We have so much in development that my main job when I’m in Los Angeles, is reading. Talking to David Zucker, who heads up Scott Free Television: ‘What must I read, what are you considering?’ The same goes for the cast. Once something goes into process and we’ve chosen a Casting Director that we think is good–and of course the Director, the Director has a lot to say about casting in the final analysis-it’s a shared experience. And then I’ll put in, as I say in English, my two cents about casting.

How important is it to have both experienced and less experienced actors?

I always look for new faces. Even for leading people. Sigourney (Weaver) was brand new, Noomi (Rapace) is brand new to the Western film world. Sometimes it’s difficult because you have to persuade the financiers that this a good idea. It’s not that you’re going after someone to create a star. It’s not that. I always think the best man gets the job. So when you’re in a casting session with a very good Casting Director, the people I use will always show me new faces.

Channel 4 Press