One Night: One of the best BBC dramas that the BBC don’t want you see.
If I told you that starting on Monday is one of the best, most compelling, well crafted and beautifully acted pieces of drama so far this year you’d be pretty excited wouldn’t you? If I told you the title of the drama is One Night you’d probably look at me blankly. I can forgive your blank expression though as the BBC have done little to no promotion to ensure this programme gets the viewer ship it deserves. It’s almost as if they don’t want to be showing it at all! If that is the case then I can’t fathom for the life of me why that would be. Even the scheduling of it is truly bizarre. The four episodes are being shown over four nights next week in a ridiculously late timeslot usually designated for documentaries or repeats. Having been given the opportunity to see all four episodes I was left scratching my head at the choices with the scheduling. Why put something this good, this interesting, this strong on so late at night?? I’d like to tell you it’s because this or that but it makes no sense whatsoever! For the past year BBC dramas have been introduced under the tagline “Original British Drama” and One Night is certainly that, it’s better than some of the recent dramas and better than upcoming Kay Mellor offering The Syndicate.
Writer Paul Smith’s four-part drama centres around the events of one hot summer night and how it affects four very different people. The four episodes tell the story of that night from the four different points of view but such is a the strength of the writing and acting here that each episode feels like a standalone drama. With each episode we see the characters in different lights and it builds brilliantly to the conclusion. Smith has written characters that are real and three dimensional with Jessica Hynes and young actor Billy Matthews giving what just might be two of the best performances of the year.
In the opening episode we meet Ted (played brilliantly with Douglas Hodge). Ted is a man whose future looks uncertain after difficult time at work, He’s a wound up mess on the verge of a breakdown. Ted is driven even closer to the edge when he catches four teenage girls dropping litter on the road outside his home. Ted’s brief but fiery exchange with the girls sets off a chain events that puts him in a venerable position that he could have never foreseen. Such is the caliber of the Smith’s writing here that you really empathize with each character and you become immersed in each world. There’s a palpable air of tension that runs through each story and even in its slower moments I was never bored, uninterested or fed up.
Jessica Hynes (who’ve I’ve not seen in many serious roles) is electrifying as single mum Carol who is miserable at work in a Supermarket and encounters each of the characters. There’s an amazing scene when Carol takes to the stage for a standup comedy spot. A lengthy scene that is funny and agonizing in equal measure and stands out as one of the most interesting scenes I’ve seen so far this year. I know what you’re thinking there must be something I disliked about One Night? Well not really no, aside from its 10.35 timeslot.
By the final episode which can be seen at 10.35pm after a repeat of BBC favourite New Tricks (the mind boggles) you’ll be both desperate to know the outcome and overwhelmed by the talents of the young cast. You meet Alfie in episode 1 and he features in the majority of the series but it isn’t until the final episode that we really see who he is and how his life is treating him. I predict big things for Billy Smith he plays Alife with a realism and truth that almost made me ache.
I wrote this with the sole purpose of making sure I spread the word about how much I enjoyed the series in a hope that despite the cruel way the BBC have decided to treat it you would watch it. I shan’t repeat myself in telling you how wonderful it is as I know I’m already treading on dangerous ground “bigging it up” before you’ve seen it but when you do sit down to it all next week see if you can work out why they’ve sidelined it to such a poor timeslot and given it so little attention.
I wrote this because someone has to tell you about One Night and its become increasingly clear as we edge closer to transmission on Monday that the BBC aren’t going to be the one to do it.
One Night can be seen from 10.35pm on Monday 26th March on BBC1 and continues Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Contributed by Luke over at The Custard TV
Follow Luke on twitter
2 thoughts on ““One Night” Preview: A Hidden Gem In The BBC Schedule”
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I have just watched “One Night” here in Australia-it is one of the best pieces of writing and acting that I have seen in years-wonderful.
I missed it! I’m hope it will be repeated soon.
I am constantly annoyed that the moronic young Tarquins and Jessicas that seem run the BBC these days inset in investing in audience phone-in, lobotomy-vehicles like “The Voice” and “Strictly come dancing”, instead of commissioning more great drama like “Silk”, “Sherlock”, “Doctor Who”, “Garrow’s Law”, etc. etc.
Leave the gutter TV to ITV and stick to your knitting. Surely the main benefit of the licence fee should be the freedom to focus on quality rather than populist pap! TV companies seem stuffed to the gills with young, ‘hip’ TOWIE and Big Brother fanatics. Simply not what the BBC is for, in my view.