18 1 min 12 yrs

12 teaser lines of dialogue for ‘Merlin: The Hollow Queen’

‘Merlin: The Hollow Queen‘ airs, Saturday 24 November at 8.00-8.45pm on BBC One.

» “I don’t think I’ve done many good things in my life.”

» “Oh Merlin…before you go I’d love a hot bath.”

» “I tell you, if I catch this fly im going to eat it!”

» “Because Merlin has meddled in my plans once too often.”

» “I found her weakness; everyone has one even a High Priestess. “

» ” Yes two of them, they’re called eyes.”

» “He will think he can control you, but he will reckon without me!”

» “I am; I’m hopelessly in love!”

» “When it comes to. sorcery we must be merciless – I was not merciless enough.”

» “I was a servant remember.”

» “All that stands in our way is a serving girl who plays at being Queen.”

» “I don’t NEED one!”

18 thoughts on “12 teasers for ‘Merlin’ 5.8: ‘The Hollow Queen’

  1. » “I don’t think I’ve done many good things in my life.” Sarrum
    » “Oh Merlin…before you go I’d love a hot bath.” Arthur
    » “I tell you, if I catch this fly im going to eat it!” Merlin
    » “Because Merlin has meddled in my plans once too often.” Morgana
    » “I found her weakness; everyone has one even a High Priestess. “ Sarrum
    » ” Yes two of them, they’re called eyes.” Gauis
    » “He will think he can control you, but he will reckon without me!” Gwen
    » “I am; I’m hopelessly in love!” Merlin
    » “When it comes to. sorcery we must be merciless – I was not merciless enough.” Sarrum
    » “I was a servant remember.” Gwen
    » “All that stands in our way is a serving girl who plays at being Queen.” Sarrum
    » “I don’t NEED one!” Merlin

    Please let me know how I did!!! Thanks

  2. Oh, thanks for the answer, I did not expect one!
    I think the 5 correct from the previous lot are these:
    » “Oh Merlin…before you go I’d love a hot bath.” – Arthur
    » “I found her weakness; everyone has one even a High Priestess. “ Sarrum about Morgana
    » “All that stands in our way is a serving girl who plays at being Queen.” Sarrum about Gwen
    » “I am; I’m hopelessly in love!” – I’m afraid this is Arthur to Gwen
    » “When it comes to. sorcery we must be merciless – I was not merciless enough.” Sarrum to Arthur
    and I’ve changed some others as was debating between couple of options for them

    » “He will think he can control you, but he will reckon without me!” – Gwen to Sarrum
    » “Because Merlin has meddled in my plans once too often.” – Morgana
    » “I was a servant remember.” – Gwen
    » ” Yes two of them, they’re called eyes.” – Arthur
    I hope I have not lowed my score instead 🙂

    1. Haha you’re welcome.
      From the top five you have 4 out of 5. From the changed ones 2 out of 4. so you now have a total 6 but one of your changed ones is now wrong 😉

      1. Oh dear. That’s is getting interesting 🙂 I better do one lot at a time

        “Oh Merlin…before you go I’d love a hot bath.” – Arthur
        » “I found her weakness; everyone has one even a High Priestess. “ Sarrum about Morgana
        » “All that stands in our way is a serving girl who plays at being Queen.” Sarrum about Gwen
        » “I am; I’m hopelessly in love!” – I’m afraid this is Arthur to Gwen
        “He will think he can control you, but he will reckon without me!” – Morgana to Gwen

          1. I see, must be something that looks very trivial is actually not. There are two suspects.

            “I found her weakness; everyone has one even a High Priestess. “ Sarrum about Morgana
            » “All that stands in our way is a serving girl who plays at being Queen.” Sarrum about Gwen
            “I am; I’m hopelessly in love!” – I’m afraid this is Arthur
            “He will think he can control you, but he will reckon without me!” – Morgana to Gwen
            “When it comes to. sorcery we must be merciless – I was not merciless enough.” Sarrum to Arthur

          2. … but I hope it’s this combination, really do not like the idea of Arthur being a love struck puppy

            Oh dear. That’s is getting interesting 🙂 I better do one lot at a time

            “Oh Merlin…before you go I’d love a hot bath.” – Arthur
            » “I found her weakness; everyone has one even a High Priestess. “ Sarrum about Morgana
            » “All that stands in our way is a serving girl who plays at being Queen.” Sarrum about Gwen
            “He will think he can control you, but he will reckon without me!” – Morgana to Gwen
            “When it comes to. sorcery we must be merciless – I was not merciless enough.” Sarrum to Arthur

          3. So means you can deduce the one about the bath is wrong – not Arthur i’m afraid 🙂

          4. I thought it was too easy to be true statement, but I would rather Arthur be portrayed as a stronger king. Thanks again for the answers! Very kind of you 🙂 Off to deduce the rest of it.

          5. I think this is as close as i can go:

            “I don’t think I’ve done many good things in my life.” – Daegel

            » “Oh Merlin…before you go I’d love a hot bath.” I hope it is not Gwen, bad enough Merlin is washing her clothes, so my second best guess will be Sarrum

            » “I tell you, if I catch this fly im going to eat it!” – Gwaine

            » “Because Merlin has meddled in my plans once too often.” – Morgana

            » ” Yes two of them, they’re called eyes.” – Merlin

            » “I was a servant remember.” – Gwen to Arthur I presume in attempt to replace Merlin

            » “I don’t NEED one!” Merlin about not needing a sword.

          6. Hah, 10 out of 12 then. I’m happy :). That was fun, thanks again!

  3. “I don’t think I’ve done many good things in my life.” – Sarrum
    » “Oh Merlin…before you go I’d love a hot bath.” – Arthur
    » “I tell you, if I catch this fly im going to eat it!” – Merlin
    » “Because Merlin has meddled in my plans once too often.” – Gwen
    » “I found her weakness; everyone has one even a High Priestess. “ Sarrum about Morgana
    » ” Yes two of them, they’re called eyes.” – Gaius
    » “He will think he can control you, but he will reckon without me!” – Morgana to Gwen
    » “I am; I’m hopelessly in love!” – I’m afraid this is Arthur to Gwen
    » “When it comes to. sorcery we must be merciless – I was not merciless enough.” Sarrum to Arthur
    » “I was a servant remember.” – Gaius
    » “All that stands in our way is a serving girl who plays at being Queen.” Sarrum about Gwen
    » “I don’t NEED one!” Gwen about not needing a servant

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