0 2 mins 9 yrs

Anna Friel stars in Second World War drama


More4 is to air six-part Scandinavian drama Kampen om tungtvannet (translation: Heavy Water War).

Set in the Second World War, the drama tells the story of the Nazi’s efforts to develop an atom bomb and the Allies ‘desperate struggle to prevent it from happening.

The cast is leas by Norwegian actors Espen Kloumann Høiner, Dennis Storhøi and German actor Christoph Bach. British actress Anna Friel, also co-stars.

The series starts in Stockholm in 1933 when German scientist Werner Heisenberg is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics and ends with the American atomic bomb over Hiroshima in 1945. One of the dramatic high points is the daring sabotage mission to blow up the heavy water factory in the Norwegian mountains in 1943. Norwegian saboteurs destroyed Nazi Germany’s dream of developing the atomic bomb during World War II.

Kampen om tungtvannet first aired in Norway in January, attracting 1.2 million viewers for the first two episodes. More4 will air the drama later this year.