1 2 mins 9 yrs

Aliens have landed…Ā 


E4 has commissioned a new six-part sci-fi comedy series, Aliens, from writerĀ Fintan Ryan.

The aliens have been among us for the last 40 years; they walk like us, talk like us and look like us, but theyā€™re not allowed to live with us. All aliens are forced to live behind a huge wall in a in a segregated community called Troy; a ramshackle and hedonistic ghetto where a criminal sub-culture thrives. Itā€™s a world of mystery, danger and forbidden pleasures.

But when mild-mannered human Lewis, a border control guard at the wallā€™s check-point, discovers that he is half-alien, his secret threatens to turn his world upside down as he is drawn into the dark underbelly of Troy.

Roberto Troni, commissioner at Channel 4, says:Ā ā€œScabrously funny, shockingly violent and at times positively hallucinogenic, Aliens is a wry and riotous adventure into a world that is at once entirely familiar and absolutely strange. Itā€™s a culture clash, a gangster epic, but fundamentally it is an all too human search for acceptance and identity.ā€

Executive Producer at Clerkenwell Films Petra Fried says: ā€œIn Aliens, Fintan Ryan has created a world that mixes social commentary, crime genre and comedy in a new and exciting way.ā€

Made by Clerkenwell Films, Aliens will begin filming later this year for broadcast on E4 in 2016.

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