0 2 mins 10 yrs

The ties of parenthood dawn on Caroline.


(C) BBC/Red Productions

Last Tango In Halifax continues with episode 4 on Sunday, 18th January at 9pm on BBC One.

Last Tango In Halifax: Series 3, Episode 4 Pictures & Clip

Here’s this week’s 12 teasers…

“Maybe he isn’t as big a twerp as you think he is.”

“And you’re old enough to start trying to help her, support her, instead of just behaving like a self-centred little dick all the time.”

“Like I need your permission!”

“Gary is god. It’s official!”

“But I’m the one who always has to do the ringing up.”

“My dad, your dad, whatever…”

“But the point is, you have to see that this is life changing, and you can’t pretend it isn’t.”

“Do you think it’s weird being dead?”

“We’ll find out he’s been spying for the Russians next.”

“We all have short coming don’t we; he smokes, you read the Daily Mail.”

“Haven’t been Mrs Mackenzie in 20 years Greg.”

“Shes got Colic!”