0 1 min 11 yrs

A portrait of the pain



The Paradise, episode 7 airs on Sunday, 1 December at 8pm on BBC One.

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Check out the teasers below:

“Oh the irony of it all.”

“How could you put your trust in that man again?”

“You don’t need to pretend.”

“Would you like to be in safe hands? Protected? Sheltered from harm? I could be… kind to you…”

“Our kiss was nothing more than an epilogue to an arduous tale.”

“Flora, I must insist you stop calling her that. You know full well Katherine is not your mama.”

“You’re lying John!”

“I should button my lip more often.”

“I take comfort in the shadows.”

“How can she stay upright after a night out in The Three Crowns?”

“You are my most prized possession, even over The Paradise.”

“I imagined the consequences of my meddling would have taught me restraint.”