The fourth series of Downton Abbey begins this Autumn, set in 1922, Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery) faces new challenges following the death of her husband Matthew, and the attentions of three possible new suitors played by Gary Carr, Tom Cullen and Julian Ovenden.
In episode three Tom Cullen arrives as Lord Gillingham. An old family friend of the Crawley’s Gillingham comes to Downton for a big house party. He is dashing and charming and having had similar experiences with his own inheritance gives Lady Mary advice on the Downton estate and in particular the issue of death duties. He also brings with him, his valet Green, played by Nigel Harman.
Joining in episode four, Gary Carr stars as Jack Ross – a charming, suave and charismatic jazz singer from Chicago. He sings at the Lotus jazz club in London which is visited one night by Lady Mary, Lady Rose, Branson and Lady Rosamund.
Julian Ovenden joins the series in episode five as Charles Blake who visits the estate with Evelyn Napier, played by Brendan Patricks, whom we first met in Series 1. Napier brought with him the dashing Turkish Diplomat Kemal Pamuk, who later died in Lady Mary’s bed . Evelyn and Charles are evaluating the economic health of big estates around the country in order to help them run more efficiently. He and Lady Mary take an instant dislike to one another.
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© Nick Briggs/ Carnival