0 3 mins 12 yrs

Martin has big plans but no formal footwear.


Martin wants to become an altar boy and Phidelma joins the choir to win a man’s heart.

As I’ve said before about this show, there is a particular warmth that draws you in and keeps you there. Like a nice cup of tea and a biscuit there is a sort of comfort to the surroundings and a familiarity that makes you yearn for the simplicity of childhood once again.

This week, Martin had big plans after his confirmation at church he decided that he wanted to be an altar boy. Despite the fact that the only black leather shoes he possessed for formal occasions were football boots and he wasn’t really sure entirely what being an altar boy entailed – he just thought they seemed cool – Martin decided to go for it. When his time came, he excelled, even taking over when one of the boys cracked under pressure. Meanwhile, Martin’s sister Phidelma found that she had feelings for the keyboard player in the choir but perhaps Martin’s revelation about her beau could put the relationship in jeopardy before it even started.

There were some great little moments in Moone Boy this week, particularly Phidelma asking for man advice from her mother and being told “ABC – Always Be Classy” then being told by her mother’s friend “and also a teeny bit slutty”. Martin’s desperation to be an altar boy was sweet but he didn’t seem to have to try hard to get a place and perhaps it would have been funnier if he had had to work for it first. The episode was amusing but perhaps not laugh out loud funny, I did laugh at Padraic’s old head on young shoulders and the comments of Martin’s sister Sinead who definitely should get more storylines. Sadly Sean Murphy didn’t seem to be as prominent in this episode and while he was around he didn’t appear to be part of the plot.

Moone Boy is a gentle comedy where belly laughs don’t seem to be the concern, the tale of family life in eighties Ireland has a soothing, lilting warmth that just washes over you and I think my main complaint would be that it is perhaps not long enough to let the story lines develop – perhaps each episode should be an hour long rather than half an hour as there is such a lot to cram in and things often feel a little rushed. Regardless of a few minor flaws, Moone Boy is an enjoyable comedy and a sweet tale. Just a shame that the series draws to a close next week, I was just getting into it.