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10 teaser lines of dialogue for episode 3

We’re already halfway through the first series of The Paradise and so to pique your interest, here’s ten teaser lines of dialogue for episode 3, which airs this Tuesday 9th October at 9pm on BBC One.

» I’m not lurking, i’m waiting

» Don’t mistake me, I have no wish to lose you. But I refuse to lose this.

» We are the new church

» Why a go-between? Of all people miss Glendenning

» Your niece and her ideas will be the death of me in the end…but the end has not yet come – for either of us.

» I want to know how it began?

» A heartbreaker in the lair of a shameless opportunist.

» I was giving for a child, what does it matter whose child.

» And these last days in my company, who have you been then?

» If ever I feel despondent I need only a minute in the company of Jonas and lo the clouds lift.