0 1 min 12 yrs

New pictures released for Christopher Nolan‘s, ‘The Dark Knight Rises‘ gives us our first proper look at the other characters in the film other than the lead, Batman (Christian Bale).

The pictures show, Anne Hathaway‘s Catwoman; Morgan Freeman‘s Lucius Fox; Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate; and Gary Oldman as Gotham Cop, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

We even get some on-set pictures of Director Christopher Nolan who amusingly is using chalk to draw bat symbols on the wall. Nolan is also producing the upcoming Superman reboot, ‘Man of Steel‘, with Tudors star Henry Cavill as the lead and Zack Snyder Directing.

“The Dark Knight Rises” opens in cinema’s July 20th 2012.

Check out the new images below:

Source: Hero Complex