0 3 mins 12 yrs

White Heat airs Thursday 8 March on BBC Two at 9pm.

Episode One, The Past Is A Foreign Country. Charlotte, an attractive woman in her 60s, arrives at a flat in Tufnell Park.

As a young woman she was one of seven students who lived in the flat, where one of them has recently passed away. Charlotte has been made executor of the will and the remaining five are due to arrive to help her sort through the flat.

As Charlotte starts work, old memories are ignited which return us to 1965, where we meet her as a 19-year-old undergraduate embarking on a journey of discovery, love and life.

We also meet the six other students at he moment they move into the Tufnell Park flat. Charlotte, Lilly, Alan, Jay, Orla, Victor and Jack are full of youthful expectation, forging intense friendships and – in some cases – becoming bitter adversaries, in these first months of living together.

It’s the end of the post-war era, Winston Churchill has died and the world is changing rapidly, particularly for the girls with the arrival of the contraceptive pill. Charlotte and art student Lilly find the strength to defy their parents and fight for the futures they want, but Orla from Belfast is weighed down by the duty that she feels towards her impoverished family in Northern Ireland.

For all the flatmates, mutual and unrequited attractions segue into heady and potentially damaging sexual adventures, planting the seeds of future deceptions.

Finding their feet in a world where none of the old values apply is both empowering and daunting and it becomes clear that the decisions they make during these early months together will change the course of their lives. Charlotte finds herself irrevocably drawn to the volatile and charismatic Jack, a rebel angrily seeking a cause.

As we return to 2012 the older Charlotte is joined at the flat by one of the former flatmates. A bitter betrayal clearly took place between them in the past, and as a third flatmate arrives the complex history between them becomes painfully evident.

Cast: Charlotte (present day) played by Juliet Stevenson, Charlotte (1965-1990) played by Claire Foy, Jack played by Sam Claflin, Lily played by MyAnna Buring, Jay played by Reece Ritchie, Alan played by Lee Ingleby, Victor played by David Gyasi and Orla played by Jessica Gunning.

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Thanks to BBC/ITV Studios/Laurence Cendrowicz/Emilie Sandy