5 4 mins 13 yrs

Having watched Spooks from day one and been an avid fan. I’ve been thinking for a while now how to sum up how I feel about the ending of Spooks. I had known for some time it was coming to an end much to my disappointment. But to hear the confirmation from Kudos, although wasn’t a shock. It was still upsetting. I almost felt like I was saying goodbye to a dear friend!

During the ten years I have become invested in the characters. I have liked many of them and disliked a couple too. I have always loved Ruth and Harry though! Both as separate characters and as a couple. I think its those two characters as well as the imagery of the grid and London that I will miss the most. Which is a testament to both the acting of Peter Firth and Nicola Walker. And the amazing production values that have gone into making Spooks.

Do I think Spooks could have continued on? Yes! However sad I am to see it end though, I have always said, if it was to end I wanted both Harry and Ruth to still be in it to be able to give it a fitting end. Whether it be good or bad. They are the glue that keeps the show and the grid together – for me!

If you had asked me at the start if I would get so invested in a programme about fictional characters – and a not very realistic betrayal of MI5. I would have said No! I’ve always had a tendency to have an all or nothing attitude to some things I like. But I don’t think I’ve ever been so invested in something as I have Spooks (and I was a big fan of The X Files)

At this point I don’t know if the ending will be good or bad! I suppose that opinion is different for every fan depending what you watch Spooks for. Would a bad ending in my own opinion affect me watching the DVD’s again! If certain characters were to die. Then yes. I don’t really mind what the ending is, as long as Harry and Ruth are alive. Happy or together are negotiable. But alive for me is the deal breaker in regards to DVD’s.

So I shall say with 3 episodes left to watch! Goodbye Spooks you have been wonderful and have been a great distraction to many a things and to many people. I’m sure for many, Harry and the team will live on as a happy memory in our minds.

So to all the characters who are still around and to those that have passed! To the creators, writers, crew and of course cast! I thank you for a great experience and hope you all go on to great things. To my fellow fans. I’m very happy to have made some wonderful friends and have had some amazing opportunities come my way thanks to Spooks.

Like a ship that sails I salute you Spooks!


  1. Interesting thoughts, have to say I think I’ll really miss the show but I’m glad they’ve got a definite ending rather than being cancelled on a cliff-hanger. Curious as to why you’d rather have both Harry and Ruth alive at the end but apart rather than one or both dying? I think on reflection I’d rather they went down this route (ie only death can seperate them), however, given the choice I’d have them both alive and heading off together towards a new future – unlikely I know but I can dream!

  2. Would be interested in reading any follow-up post or re-edited post once you’ve seen the last episode. I feel your pain over the cancellation of this show.

  3. I too have thought that it could have carried on, but I don’t necessarily think that it should (if that makes sense!) I’ve also been watching Spooks since Day One, I must have missed the odd episode over the years but by and large I’ve seen the lot and I’ve always found it a fantastically entertaining show, if a little uneven occasionally (especially during the RPJ era, I thought). I find it a little odd that you would be reluctant to get the DVDs if there was no H/R happy ending….I guess as a raving RA fan I’ve had to get used to the “not a happy ending” idea already, but I’m still able to enthusiastically enjoy all the episodes he was in. Half way through series 10, I feel that it’s nowhere near as good as the previous 3 series, but there is still a little time for it to pick up again. I will miss it for sure. Regarding whether there will actually be a happy ending for H/R – I’m afraid to say that, based on the track record of Spooks, I don’t think there will be – in fact I almost I feel it would be a betrayal of the show’s values over the years if there was….but of course I may be wrong!!!

    1. Thank you for your detailed comment. Its nice to hear peoples thought on what they think!
      To answer your query, i would still get the DVD if there was no happy ending. The only thing which would stop me buying them is if either died. I’m not expecting Happy but I would like the hope of them being alive. At least to me that would be more realistic and fitting. Even if they went their separate ways!

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