0 5 mins 12 yrs

BBC Three gives us a sensitive and insightful view into The McGuiness Inpatient Unit for teenagers

Don't Call Me Crazy

‘Don’t Call Me Crazy’ is a new three-part series documentary which is set in a mental health inpatient unit for teenagers. The unit is called The McGuiness Unit and focuses on the young people today suffering with different mental illnesses. Like Depression, OCD, Eating Disorder, Psychosis, and Schizophrenia.

The first episode focuses on Beth, who suffers from an eating disorder; and Emma, who suffers with OCD, both patients who are battling with different mental illnesses. They both give us an incredible but yet heartbreaking journey into their lives and what it’s like for a young person to go through this hardship and toughness of having a mental illness. The programme also follows the staff who work at the hospital.

Doctor Andy Rogers is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Head of Psychologist Therapies; Vicki Ray, who is the Occupational Therapist; And Pete Croft who is the staff nurse. What I like about this show is that it shows both sides of the story. The workers and the patients. Both obviously has tough times on dealing with things, but the staff works hard and also treats them like young adults instead of patient. This in my eyes is the best thing to do when you’re in these situations. It also shows us that there are times where the staff get’s assaulted by the young patients and they have no choice but to take action and calm them down. To be put in the position can’t be easy, but what choice have they got? It also gives us an insight of their home lives aswell.

The patients families come and visit and are told on a daily basis how their sons and daughters are getting on. Good or bad, the parents are told everything. Even though is a hospital, there are still things that a young person can still do: Play games, go to the unit’s school, learn how to cook, clean their own rooms and also become one big friendly family. Not only does this show bring tears to eyes, but it can also brings a little bit of happiness and reassuring that the young people are being treated and being looked after properly.

I am glad that I got to write a review for this show because is a very close to home topic for me. Even in the year 2013 people are still being judged because of mental illnesses, and it boils my blood completely! I can’t stand a person who sits there and say that they are depressed because they are having a bad day! I’d like to throw a cold bucket of water on their idiotic head and wake them up! Some people don’t even know how a person feels whilst suffering with depression. I, myself have no idea either. I only know with what I see with my eyes and what I hear with my ears. Mental Illness can affect anyone.

In the programme, Emma who suffers with OCD hit the nail on the head. She said “It doesn’t matter where you’re from. I’ve come from a nice family home and look at me. I’m in here.” I know many people who suffer with a mental illness and it breaks my heart completely when I see them suffering. However, watching them become strong each day and getting on with their lives puts a smile on my face because they are stronger than you and I put together! So as much as this is a review, I would also like this to be a message to those who are reading it and suffers with a mental illness or knows someone who is. And the message is this: You were given this life for a reason. You were given this life because you are strong to live it. You have two things that keeps you standing, your feet! Never be ashamed or embarrassed about having a mental illness. There are people out there who want to help. You are not alone. There will always be that somebody who will take you by the hand, and lead you to the right path in life.

This programme gets a big whopping 10/10 from me! Brilliant documentary, brilliant insight of a young patient unit and a brilliant insight of the patients and staff. A big well done to BBC THREE!