1 2 mins 12 yrs

“Whatever happens next I’ll always be proudest of lovely Mrs Cropper”


Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh has announced she is quitting her soap role of Hayley Cropper after 15 years.

The actress has decided to pursue new projects according to BBC news, citing her stint at Manchester’s Royal Exchange in, Black Roses: The Killing Of Sophie Lancaster (in which Hesmondhalgh played Sophie’s mother), as the decision maker for the move.

However the much-loved actress reiterated her fondness for the show and Hayley by saying she has had, “the most wonderful time” playing the Street’s first transgender character.

“The decision to hang up Hayley’s red anorak was a tough one,” she said.

“But doing the play at the Royal Exchange last year made me realise that there’s life in the old dog yet,” joked the 42-year-old star.

“Whatever happens next I’ll always be proudest of lovely Mrs Cropper,” said Hesmondhalgh .

Adding: “In particular what we achieved in changing attitudes to transgender, and in portraying possibly the most loving, faithful and steadfast couple in soap history,” she added, referring to Hayley’s happy marriage to cafe owner Roy.

“We’ll be sorry to say farewell to Hayley – and to Julie,” said Coronation Street’s executive producer, Kieran Roberts, “but we’re planning a screen exit worthy of one of Coronation Street’s best-loved characters.”

“I’ll always be the show’s biggest fan,” said Hesmondhalgh , thanking the “special team” for a “life-changing” 15 years.

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