0 2 mins 11 yrs

The big question all Being Human fans are dying to be answered from the series five finale is: Are the supernatural trio really human or still stuck in Captain Hatch’s (aka The Devil’s) dream?

Well, as promised by creator Toby Whithouse earlier in the year, the DVD contains an extra scene which answers this question. Whithouse said: “On the DVD there will be an extra scene — one that takes place, in my mind, a week or so after the end of Episode 6. It answers the question I’m sure you’re all asking yourselves now — what’s happened to them? Did they save the world? And at the same time it allows scope for further stories, a future life for the show and the characters.”

If you want to stay spoiler-free (or blissfully ignorant) I suggest you click the back button, otherwise click away at the video below and let it open up a whole new set of questions and the nagging feeling of “I wish there were more series to come”.