0 1 min 12 yrs

How excited are you for series 7 of ‘Doctor Who?’

On top of the gallery of images already released for the new series, the BBC has released twelve new images for episode 1: Asylum of the Daleks which are sure to propel your excitement to reach fever pitch.

Starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill as his companions Amy and Rory Pond; this series is looking to be a real tear-jerker from the pictures, and as you would expect full of peril from the Daleks, amongst other foes appearing in the series.

‘Doctor Who’ series 7 episode 1: Asylum of the Daleks airs on Saturday September 1st at 7.20pm on BBC One.

Take a look at the gallery below… (Please credit if you use pictures. Thanks)